Let's live in harmony with our surroundings adopting eco-friendly practices
Learn about this growing environmental threat
Understanding environmental and social impacts
Understanding plastics and choosing sustainability
Understanding plastics and choosing sustainability
Learn about the different types of plastic pollution
Learn about the impacts of plastic pollution
Finding ways to beat Climate Change
Sun as a powerful and vital source of energy.
Wind as a source of energy since ancient times.
Water a timeless source of energy since ancient times.
Sustainable living and development in historic past
Timeless sustainable and energy efficient traditional homes
Learn about Water Purification.
Different types of water harvesting techniques of Ladakh.
Learn about the many eco-friendly farming measures.
Find out about the uses of organic colours and its benefits.
How do we cop flashfloods and their impact? Read on.
Learn about earthquakes, their impact and prediction.
Understanding Tsunamis and their impact on heritage.
Study on Air Pollution
Study on Water Pollution.
An environmental audit to monitor the green gauge of your school.
Sustainable agriculture are practices that promote protecting the environment and provide healthy agricultural techniques at our disposal.
It is the utilisation of more environmental practices that preserve natural resources and has a rigorous set of standards for animal welfare and husbandry.
There are lots of ordinary daily changes one can do to practice sustainable living and these can apply to our home. Learn about them.
For many people in the world, food waste has become a habit. Learn about simpler Ways to reduce food wasting at home!
When e-waste is not recycled properly and left untreated, this leads to the contamination of air, soil and water. Learn about what you can do at an individual level?
Our small actions and daily choices in our life affects the things around us on a bigger scale. Learn about the impacts of carbon footprints.
The major contributors to carbon footprints are: food, consumption, transportation and household energy. Learn about the ways to reduce carbon footprints at home.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is beneficial for the planet and all living organisms. Here are some ways in which one can reduce carbon footprints at work:
Learn about some interesting and easy ways in which sustainability can be promoted in workplaces.
It is essential for us to take care of these issues and live sustainably. One way of ensuring this is by following sustainable transportation methods.
Sustainable mode of Transport refers to any means of transportation that is ‘green’ and has a low impact on the environment.
Geothermal energy is energy obtained from the sub-surface of the earth.
Renewable energy is defined as an energy source/fuel type that can regenerate and can replenish itself indefinitely.
Biomass energy is one of the oldest energy sources. It is derived from organic materials such as plants and animals.
Biogas is a naturally produced biofuel during the decomposition of organic waste. It is the oldest source of renewable energy.
Sustainable City Management refers to a city designed and managed with considerations for its social, economic and environmental impact.
Indigenous or traditional seeds (also called as heirloom seed in the West) are such varieties that originated or existed locally in specific regions for several generations.
Kitchen gardening is something all of us can do to make our cities greener and eat healthier food. Learn about the advantages of a kitchen garden.
Sustainable packaging refers to the sourcing, development, and use of packaging solutions that have minimal environmental impact and footprint.
Green Sports or Sustainable practices in sports seek to reduce sport’s ecological footprint on the environment.
The United Nation through its various programmes and sustainable development goals (SDG) has been continuously trying since 1990 to completely eradicate poverty from the world. Learn about its target.
Aims for a future where every individual has adequate nutrition. Read on to find out more about it.
To ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being of people worldwide at all ages.
Seeks ensure inclusive and quality education for all while promoting lifelong learning opportunities.
Achieve gender equality between women and men, elimination of discrimination against women and girls and empower them all.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Built resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Making "cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable".
To achieve economic growth by reducing our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources.
Taking steps and actions to reduce greenhouse emissions we make and reduce our CO2 footprint on this planet.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all.
Strengthen the means and implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Our sources of communicating with people are many. From letters, to emails, to phone calls. For this, it is essential that we take steps that do not injure nature and the environment.
Learn about the alternatives to plastic in order to live a balanced life in harmony with nature.
Sustainable irrigation is important not only because it prevents injudicious use of water but also because over watering or under watering may harm the crops.
Traditional craft techniques have come from up-cycling, material optimization, and waste minimization made by craftspersons since ages
Learn about the various benefits of having community gardens in a city landscape.
UN Conference on Human Environment, Stockholm (1972).
Vienna Convention (1985) Protection of Ozone Layer.
Montreal Protocol (1989). Total Elimination of Ozone Depleting Substances.
UN Convention on Climate Change, New York (1992). Economic Development and Environmental Protection.
Biodiversity Convention, Nairobi (1992). Preservation of Earth's Biodiversity.
Rio de Janeiro (1992). Environment and Sustainable Development.
Kyoto Protocol (1997). Stabilization of Greenhouse gases
Johannesburg protocol (2009). Road map for Post Kyoto treaties.
Paris Agreement (2016). Targets for everyone!
Copenhagen Summit Protocols (2016). Targets for everyone!
Learn about the different types of handmade papers in the northeast region.
Known for its traditional handmade paper industry.
An organisation that works towards sustainability by promoting innovative technologies and livelihood solutions.
The Indian way- reuse and repurpose- Understanding plastics and ways to recycle it
Safai Sathis- Learn about waste management and the role of informal waste workers
Learn about how to document for a greener future
Learn about types of forestry and the advantages